2011年6月2日 星期四

True or False?

I think it is okay to alter the truth when creating a work of art. An artist would do stuff like that since he or she needs to create a artistic, beautiful work although it doesn't exist, such as an abstract painting. It originates by people's imagination, connect with their creativity, they can create such great artistic work. A poet would make up some words in order to cooperate with the rhythm. Readers would enjoy the beat if it times the rhythm. I believe that it will sound smoother for the readers to read if it rhymes exactly. Furthermore, a writer would like to exaggerate the event, for the purpose of making someone more honorable. If the hero did a great job and won the battle, the author may describe the enemy as a horrible monster and how difficult the hero defeats the monster. A writer does that because it makes the story more interesting and exciting, though it's not the truth. I think it's OK to lie if it helps to create something good. I once lied for my brother, lying to my father about his state of illness, in order to calm my dad down. (Since my dad once had melancholia, it's not good for him to receive bad information) After all, I am just being obedient to my mother's order.

